Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Yes, It's a Little Weird

It is a little strange that I am not getting ready to register my kids for school. Instead, I am on the couch, while the kids sleep in. Next Monday will REALLY be an eye opener. We are so excited about the opportunities we will have as a family. When Greg gets home in September, I will not be getting up at 530 every morning..getting myself and kids ready..driving them to school and me to work..only to leave Greg by himself all day...after not seeing him for weeks! We get to homeschool as a family! I am sure we will have our "OMG I gotta get outta this house" moments, but I wouldn't trade this chance for anything!! Jack and Ali haven't acted sad about our decision one time! This is very reassuring! So we will enjoy our last week of summer, like everyone else..but the real fun begins next Monday, August 6th, 2012!! Join me in what I am sure will be entertainment at its finest! After all, I have my very own teachers pet AND class clown!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Only 18 days away....

Yes I am counting down the days..like most moms..but I'm counting down the days to keep my children at home to school, rather than send them away. It is a decision I have not second-guessed one time. I'm rather excited about getting started. I know we will have very challenging days, days we get little done, sick days, blah days..but my guess is..the kids had those days in public schools as well..along with their underpaid teachers. I have been told, those are the days that I need to go back to my "why". Why I decided to take this on to begin with. I want to teach my kids..I want it more than any job I've had, I want to travel without being held to a board of education attendance policy, I want to "see" my kids learn, not go through a stack of papers graded and sent home each Tuesday, and I want my kids to really grow the strengths that God gifted to them! It a blessing to have homeschooling as an option in our lives, so I will take advantage of the opportunity as long as possible. Wish me luck! :)