Saturday, March 16, 2013

Learning in, really!

I haven't posted in a while! It's not because we've thrown in the towel or anything. Actually, I have been reminded over and over that this really works for us. The kids are probably ahead of schedule and its a good thing...Feb 7 we got the phone call that we had talked about a lot lately. Greg's mom had passed away. She hasn't been "sick" but she was on oxygen and just getting weaker and weaker by the day it seemed. Greg's dad thinks it was probably a heart attack. She died at home early that morning. Greg was scheduled to leave the next morning for Spring Training so the timing was crazy! We packed up and headed down to Gulfport. We didn't have to yank the kids out of school, we didn't have to get make up work. Heck, we didn't even take work with us!! I knew we could make it up later..and we did. So Greg left the day we buried his mom..we went back home without him, and it was just a sad week. We took the whole week off! We later made that up by working a couple of hours each day of spring break..and still had all the time in the world to play with all the kids out of school! And when I say we took off, there is still learning going on--trust me! I get lots of eye rolls when I randomly quiz on spelling words and multiplication tables!! (From Jack of course!)
So 3 weeks after Greg's mom died(to the day) I get a phone call from Greg's aunt that his dad had a heart attack. "NO NO NO!!" We're my exact words. He was and is ok!! But in those hours that I wasn't sure what happened or the damage done I was so scared. So I packed up again..headed down there..Greg flew in from Phoenix..Mimi kept the kids and played substitute teacher..again!! Jack and Ali adapt so well by the way! They just go with the flow. So Greg's dad is doing fabulous now! We came home with his dog, Rusty, to relieve him of some stress, and we're back to a semi normal schedule.
My mom and step dad are moving in just a few days..down the street! We are super excited about this!! Every kids dream is to have their grandparents in walking distance! At least it was mine! They have been staying here most of the time during the building process..which I don't mind at all..but we will really be able to get back to our good 3 hour school days when the house is quiet again. It's bitter sweet..I love the company..but I know the kids do better when there are fewer distractions. SOOO that's what has been going on here the last two months or so. I'm sure there's lots I left out and hilarious moments by my kids that I'm not documenting and I will regret..maybe I will get better about that. But for now, they are fed, clothed and healthy, hopefully learning something and I am all is good at Hibbard Academy!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November Already?! Time to count blessings!

I can't believe we are 13 weeks into a life changing decision I prayed about, researched, talked about, and debated with friends. I have not doubted that decision for one second and for THAT I am thankful. I am sure there are moments Jack and Ali wish a sweet teacher was asking them to pull a clip rather than mommy sending them to time out. We have really settled into a great pattern, and I can't imagine waking up one day and having to send them off to school. I would be devastated..and I am pretty sure they would be too!! I am so blessed to have a husband that wants to provide for us the best he can to give us this opportunity, and I am blessed to have children that are open to mommy and daddy being their teachers. I have enjoyed getting to know my kids even better and having the extra time to bond with them. I can already see the benefits of homeschooling in both of different ways. We've had sick days and haven't missed one lesson and we've traveled and haven't lost our momentum. I thank God so much for allowing everything to come together for the good of my little family.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Why Didn't I Do This Years Ago?

Spending 3 hours a day doing work with my kids, staying up late, watching cool educational shows with the kids and them being truly intrigued, sleeping in, never having to rush through homework and the nightly routine....verses doing at least an hour of homework just to catch the kids up from what they didn't "catch on to" at school, trying to be in bed by 830pm, waking sleepy heads up at 615am, and trying to fit extra curricular activities in with dinner, homework, family time at night...yea why would anyone homeschool? Now I admit, taking a pay cut to stay home has been challenging, but I never imagined I would enjoy being stuck at home all day every day. I have even had moments where I regret not spending this kind of quality time with Jack and Ali when they were younger, and teaching them even before they were at the "school age". I always thought I had to finish this last load of laundry, or finish cleaning up these toys, or clean this bathroom..I'd love to have that time back!! Live and learn..and now I'm enjoying every minute that I can. We have had an awesome first month of school! Looking forward to our "principal" getting home and learning with us!! That will only make good even better!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

So far SOOO GOOD!!

Well we couldn't have had a better two days of school! Ali is a rockstar student, and Jack LOVES sleeping in and playing by 1:00!! Haha. He really does seem into "learning", especially science. During reading time; however, you would think I had asked him to go pick out a fork and told him to start poking his eyeballs out WHILE standing on hot coals. He HATES it! But I know the better he becomes at it, the more he will like it. I am trying to remain patient and stand my ground. Yesterday when we finished, Jack and I practiced hitting and today we rode bikes. It felt so weird riding down the street with no kids anywhere!! It has been neat having Jack and Ali all to myself again..after a summer of kids in the house or them leaving to go play with friends.
Tonight I have my first meeting with the local homeschool group and I am so excited to meet people and gather information. I look forward to field trips and holiday parties, and I hope Jack and Ali make some new friends with kids that have this in common with them. I know I need to surround myself with other homeschooling moms, because even with the increase in HSing, there are still so many moms that "judge" our decision. Jack and Ali are hearing comments from their friends that sound more like parental statements than what a kid would say. Haha..better be careful talking in front of your children!! It could be as dangerous as posting your thoughts on the Internet! :) I totally get that this lifestyle is NOT for everyone, but I am more sure of our decision now than ever. I can't wait to see how Jack and Ali, and our family, benefit from it.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Excited doesn't describe it...

Remember that feeling, the night before the first day of school? Excited, nervous, anxious, worried..but mostly just freakin excited!!! That's me tonight! If my kids are a fourth as excited as I am..we're off to a good start! I have done all I can do up to this point. Curriculum is bought, lessons planned, menu planned for the week, and kids have been made aware of how things will work. Now we wait..we wait to see how things go. The good, the bad and the ugly. I'm sure we will taste them all. But bring it on..I can't wait for this experience to begin. I'm pretty sure they have an awesome teacher and an even better principal. He will be home in a few weeks, more than ready to step in and substitute when needed!! My hope when this is all said and done..that Jack and Ali have learned more than enough to be productive human beings that love the Lord..that rely on their faith, and can hold their own in any situation. Having a 4.0 is great, but I would love nothing more than happy, well rounded kids with amazing character and loads of common sense! These are all things Greg and I are more than capable of teaching. I look forward to the memories we get to make with Jack and Ali while at home AND traveling. I've kinda gotten use to having the little dumplins around this summer and I can't imagine having to drop them off in the carpool line tomorrow morning! And yes this is now all in writing in case I need to look back at this and say "WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!?!" haha jk..but stay tuned!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Yes, It's a Little Weird

It is a little strange that I am not getting ready to register my kids for school. Instead, I am on the couch, while the kids sleep in. Next Monday will REALLY be an eye opener. We are so excited about the opportunities we will have as a family. When Greg gets home in September, I will not be getting up at 530 every morning..getting myself and kids ready..driving them to school and me to work..only to leave Greg by himself all day...after not seeing him for weeks! We get to homeschool as a family! I am sure we will have our "OMG I gotta get outta this house" moments, but I wouldn't trade this chance for anything!! Jack and Ali haven't acted sad about our decision one time! This is very reassuring! So we will enjoy our last week of summer, like everyone else..but the real fun begins next Monday, August 6th, 2012!! Join me in what I am sure will be entertainment at its finest! After all, I have my very own teachers pet AND class clown!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Only 18 days away....

Yes I am counting down the most moms..but I'm counting down the days to keep my children at home to school, rather than send them away. It is a decision I have not second-guessed one time. I'm rather excited about getting started. I know we will have very challenging days, days we get little done, sick days, blah days..but my guess is..the kids had those days in public schools as well..along with their underpaid teachers. I have been told, those are the days that I need to go back to my "why". Why I decided to take this on to begin with. I want to teach my kids..I want it more than any job I've had, I want to travel without being held to a board of education attendance policy, I want to "see" my kids learn, not go through a stack of papers graded and sent home each Tuesday, and I want my kids to really grow the strengths that God gifted to them! It a blessing to have homeschooling as an option in our lives, so I will take advantage of the opportunity as long as possible. Wish me luck! :)