Tuesday, August 7, 2012

So far SOOO GOOD!!

Well we couldn't have had a better two days of school! Ali is a rockstar student, and Jack LOVES sleeping in and playing by 1:00!! Haha. He really does seem into "learning", especially science. During reading time; however, you would think I had asked him to go pick out a fork and told him to start poking his eyeballs out WHILE standing on hot coals. He HATES it! But I know the better he becomes at it, the more he will like it. I am trying to remain patient and stand my ground. Yesterday when we finished, Jack and I practiced hitting and today we rode bikes. It felt so weird riding down the street with no kids anywhere!! It has been neat having Jack and Ali all to myself again..after a summer of kids in the house or them leaving to go play with friends.
Tonight I have my first meeting with the local homeschool group and I am so excited to meet people and gather information. I look forward to field trips and holiday parties, and I hope Jack and Ali make some new friends with kids that have this in common with them. I know I need to surround myself with other homeschooling moms, because even with the increase in HSing, there are still so many moms that "judge" our decision. Jack and Ali are hearing comments from their friends that sound more like parental statements than what a kid would say. Haha..better be careful talking in front of your children!! It could be as dangerous as posting your thoughts on the Internet! :) I totally get that this lifestyle is NOT for everyone, but I am more sure of our decision now than ever. I can't wait to see how Jack and Ali, and our family, benefit from it.

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